Frequently asked questions

My membership

As a Redeye member, you get access to investing tools, research on all 180+ of our covered companies, and investor events.

On our website, at the top right corner, you will find My Profile. Here you can change your information.

Visit the settings page.

You can change your notificaiton settings on My Profile, in the top right corner on our website.

Change your notification settings.

If you're unable to log in, request a password reset in the login page. If your account is connected to Google, you're unable to change the password through us. You therefore login with your Google password.

You are welcome to get in touch with us via phone or email. Our hours of operation are 09:00 - 18:00, normal weekdays.


Telephone: +46 (0) 8 545 013 30

Premium Membership

Redeye premium offers investors tools and information to make better investment decisions.

Our premium memberships gives access to deep research and the figures our analysts use to evaluate the companies we cover. For Investor and Pro members, you also have access to our Top Picks portfolio, which has had tremendous returns since its inception.

Learn more about Redeye premium.

You can change your card details through the link below.

Payment Settings

You can cancel your premium membership at any time on our website.

Community blog

The rules and guidelines can be found here:

Rules and Guidelines.


We keep our eyes focused on Technology and Life Science businesses in the Nordic countries that compete in the global arena.

We currently monitor over 180 Tech and Life Science companies.

Browse our covered companies.

All the companies we monitor have their own unique Redeye Rating and is based on thorough research from our equity analysts.

Redeye Rating consists of three key elements:

  • Company Quality
  • Fair Value Range
  • Timeliness

Taking advantage of these tools will help you reduce your risks in investing and improve your long-term returns. Redeye Rating was developed to act as a guide in the decision making process while taking emotion out of the equation.

Browse our covered companies.

You can find all of our current and past IPO's, Rights Issues, and Private Placements on our transaction page.

Visit our transaction page.

You are welcome to get in touch with us via phone or email.

Our hours of operation are 09:00 - 18:00, normal weekdays.


Telephone: +46 (0) 8 545 013 30

We are constantly looking for new motivated individuals to join us on our journey!

View our current listings.

Redeye is a Swedish company but we offer our content in English. The main reason for that is because we are seeing an increasing interest in Nordic growth companies from international investors. Since we monitor not only Swedish companies, but Danish and Norwegian as well and most of them are active globally, we made the decision to offer our content in English.

If there are special situations and for certain companies that we monitor, we will write in Swedish.

Most of our events are broadcasted digitally and available for all members. It is sometimes possible to attend our events in person.

You can register for attendance on the event page.

We handle removals manually. Feel free to contact us if you wish to remove your account by emailing us at