The Team

Meet the people behind redeye

At your service

On this page you will find our deeply engaged employees. We are organized to serve both corporate clients and investors and take pride in being accessible. Do not hesitate to get in touch with any of us. You can sort by team in the menu to the right by clicking the colored box next to the team’s name.

Equity Research and Ratings



Corporate Advisory

Event Services

Technical Platforms and Development

Member Services



Anton Hoof

+46 76 492 50 26

My Thing

As a true gamer my claim to fame is that I have participated in the Swedish Championship in Starcraft 2 (where I lost to Per Gessles son). When not gaming I like going for a jog or playing a round of golf. On a recreational level. I also enjoy reading everything about investments; strategies and biographies.


With a background as an accountant I can turn an income statement and balance sheet inside out. Which is quite helpful in my job as an equity research analyst on Redeye´s tech team. Having grown up in Gnosjö, with it´s famous entrepreneurial spirit, the so called Gnosjö-andan, I think I have an intuitive talent for evaluating companies and their management.


Björn Fahlén

+46 70 552 21 98

My Thing

I’m a big foodie and love to explore the cultural side of the world’s most exotic locations. Besides that, I do a lot of investing as well. The life sciences space is one of great movement right now, and that’s where most of my money work for me.


My job is to make sure good people and good ideas win out. For more than a decade I have done this both as an advisor and as an investor in life sciences. With a natural knack for business development, I also continuously seek out new opportunities to improve the way we do our job at Redeye. Why I do it. Because I enjoy it. It's fun to work with companies that want to change the world, just like Redeye.


Carina Lindblom

+46 72 506 14 05

My Thing

I am driven by a need to help others, whether it is fixing for my own kids, arranging a party for a friend or whatever it is. I am always very hands on and ready to dig in. I also love being active with family and friends in nature, be it skiing, hiking or boating. Or doing sports, where tennis is my latest passion. I just love the game.


With a background in accounting I decided to shift from numbers to people. I believe I am a go-to-person and my role as a coordinator/project leader really suits my personality. I am now involved in Redeyes + 100 events every year. I am also on the sustainability-team at Redeye, where we are dealing both with our own sustainability- issues as well as looking into new business opportunities with our clients.


Carolina Lönn

+46 76 492 50 94

My Thing

I am a pleasure seeker who does a little bit of everything. I enjoy skiing and playing golf. Gardening is a form of meditation for me. In the fall you will most likely find me somewhere in the woods looking for mushrooms. I also enjoy culture in all forms; literature, music, art, theatre, film. Or just hanging out over a home cooked dinner with family and friends.


I am a part of the corporate finance team dealing with both tech and life science companies. With plus twenty years of experience in corporate law there is a fair chance that our legal agreements sooner or later will end up on my table. Since legal matters are a foundation in every capitalization process, I believe our projects will benefit from my expertise.


Caroline Wu

+46 72 401 02 05

My Thing

I listen a lot to podcasts, preferably creepy horror stories or general history. Another passion of mine is dogs. Right now, I´m searching the market for an allergy-friendly poodle type of dog. I am fully aware that there´s an impending risk that I end up as a crazy dog lady one day. But what to do?


As a member of the Redeye support team, with a special focus on IT-solutions, I assist my colleagues in all our on- and off-boarding matters. I am a self-taught computer-nerd, good at organizing things and solving problems, if I may say so. In short: if anyone has a problem with their computer, they come to me. And I fix it.


Catharina Pramhäll

+46 76 677 17 84

My Thing

I am a certified ring dance leader (e g “små grodorna”) and I read a lot. Or listen to books when walking, which I also do lot. Preferably crime stories. I am a regular visitor at the annual Crime Time Festival. And recently attended a stand-up comedy course. Which is a lot about rules. Circle complete.


I love rules and regulations. Which is a good trait in my role at Redeye as a CA – certified adviser – for a number of our companies, that I follow closely. Fully prepared with answers when e g Nasdaq calls. I am also an accounting specialist and can assist both Redeyes clients as well as our analysts with tricky accounting queries.


Chris Stridsberg

+46 70 515 76 26

My Thing

I admit it straight out: What disgusts most people fascinates me. I could easily watch a kidney transplant while eating my breakfast. Or listen to an audiobook of unnatural causes of death while going to sleep. But for counterbalance: I am a fragrance junkie who can not stand bad smell.


I am responsible for the event team at Redeye. It´s a small team that serves around 150 corporate clients with different types of events. Small and large events that occur annually, monthly as well as on ad hoc-basis. Our biggest event of course being our Growth Day, which i think is the biggest event of it´s kind in the Nordics.


Christian Binder

+46 72 333 38 24

My Thing

I love to eat. Especially carbs. Being an early riser, I´m at the gym at 4.30 in the mornings. 5-6 times a week. On top of that I run 5-6 times a week. Added up this allows me to go bananas on my favourite dishes: sushi and Asian buffets.


With a master in molecular biology in combination with an MBA, I have a solid base to stand on in my job as an equity analyst on Redeye´s life science team. I have also worked in pre clinicals research in the lab, which is really helpful in understanding what life science companies actually do. In combination with my strong interest in the stock market this is my edge.


Daphne Thörn

+46 76 492 50 72

My Thing

Being a former swimmer and equestrian I tend to take it more easy nowadays: hanging out with friends – why not over an Asian meal. I really enjoy discovering new countries and cultures. Not surprisingly, with my flavor for Japanese and Korean food, a dream of mine is to visit Seoul. And of course to go back to Tokyo one day.


As a digital designer I work both with our user interface, UI, and user experience, UX, although primarily with UI. Through a consistent UI design and comprehension of how users interact with an app or website, a good user experience can be achieved. My interest in architecture is actually quite helpful in this work. Since it's all about visuals. And structure.


Eddie Ahlgren

+46 70 794 08 96


Eddie Palmgren

+46 73 651 52 41

My Thing

In 2020, I took a gap year and went off to live on an island in the archipelago of Gothenburg. To write and to figure out what I really wanted to do. I took classes in creative writing and practiced. Still, I spent many hours a day on becoming a better investor. This reinforced that my expertise is my thing. And vice versa.


I am the host and editor of Redeye’s podcast “Investing by the Books”. We discuss our multidisciplinary perspective with different guests – authors or investors – from the field of finance. Our mission is to inspire and educate sophisticated and aspiring investors. Stay tuned and you might learn something. Or get inspired.


Elin Törnblom

+46 70 755 79 98

My Thing

My favorite activity is not even an activity, it´s hanging out with friends and family. Dining and wining with people I like. Occasionally I can be spotted at a gym, although my training habits are quite random. I am also an amateur golfer. With emphasis on amateur.


As an event coordinator at Redeye I am engaged in various roles in our plus 100 events every year. At these gatherings I meet a lot of people with high expectations on the event. Ultimately, the success of these events relies on delivering a valuable experience for all of our guests. As a people-person this job suits my personality just handsomely.


Emilia Magell

+46 72 092 84 41

My Thing

I work out a lot, preferably running or classes at the gym. I also enjoy the occasional stroll, either in the city or in the national park of Tyresta. Theatre and literature are other interests of mine. I read everything from books on investments to crime. I also watch a fair amount of documentaries – from nature to finance.


In my job as Certified Advisor at Redeye, I have simultaneously a both advisory and monitoring role towards our companies. My task is to guide them through the Nasdaq regulations and make sure they live up to the rules. My law degree with a major in stock market law serves me well in so doing.


Erik Kramming

+46 70 917 22 36

My Thing

I love sports, all sports. Both as a participator and as a couch potato in front of the TV. Like the Champions League final 2005, when Liverpool turned 0-3 into victory after a penalty shoot out. Pure magic.


How do companies succeed? Which are the underlying problems they are seeking to solve? Who are the people behind the company? These are the questions that preoccupy my waking hours as a corporate broker at Redeye. My main mission is to guide companies in the tech sector towards the right type of owner, which, if you ask me, is the single most important answer to the first question above.


Erik Rolander

+46 73 956 20 90

My Thing

I am really into interior design. Especially designing and building my own things – bookshelves, lamps, tables, whatever. Travelling is another thing of mine. I have backpacked around the world twice, but now with a little kid, more civilized travelling is called for. Next excursion is a roadtrip in the US of A.


As a client manager on the corporate advisory team my role is to connect investors with interesting companies. And vice versa. My strength in this matchmaking process is my social skills and my genuine interest in new technology. I truly enjoy meeting the entrepreneurs and figuring out their products and business models.


Filip Einarsson

+46 72 092 04 03

My Thing

Anything outdoors: mountain climbing, walking in the forest, being on the sea. Coming from the rural west coast, it's a part of my DNA I guess. As is gaming. I thrive in the social and competitive interaction of playing poker and chess. On a recreational level. I also read a lot – in my ambition to understand markets and our modern society, in which direction we are heading.


Growing up with T1D, I have a genuine interest in human anatomy and biology. Together with a profound fascination for the stock market, it provides an advantage in my job as an equity analyst on the life science team. I believe I have a good eye for details and I am not afraid to have an opinion, even if it reflects an opposing view. It is always tempting to go with the stream and think like everybody else, but then you also get the same result as everybody else.


Fredrik Nilsson

+46 73 985 60 40

My Thing

News. I love news. Following and trying to understand what goes in business and politics. Basically what I do in my job but on a macro scale. On the same note I enjoy gaming in general and strategy-games in particular, like Europa Universalis and Age of Empire, where you get to run and be in charge of a whole country.


As an equity research analyst on the tech team I mainly cover mature companies in the software as well as in the technical hardware industry. My interest in the financial markets really got started after the 2008 crash. Looking and – hopefully – finding interesting things in the numbers surrounding a company is what intrigues me.


Fredrik Reuterhäll

+46 76 492 50 74

My Thing

I am a keen outdoors man – climbing, hiking, skiing, fishing. Whatever that takes place in nature. Come rain, come sunshine, for twenty five years I have bicycled to work. Year around. I also like pets. A dog and two cats keep me busy when not reading fiction or non-fiction.


My background as an entrepreneur and as a buy-side trader from one of the larger emerging market funds is key in my work as an equity research analyst at Redeye. I am very interested and fascinated by the art of developing and managing companies. I believe I have an eye for patterns and trends and I get a kick out of completing projects and move on to the next one.


Fredrik Thor

+46 70 662 19 92

My Thing

Having studied a diverse range of subjects at the university, including literature, I nurture a broad range of interests in the cultural sector: literature of course (e.g. Albert Camus), but also film (e.g. Wim Wenders) and music. The latter both as listener (everything from opera to hip hop) and practitioner – I play the guitar, mainly in the folk genre.


My master in economics and applied statistics serves me well in my job as equity analyst on the Redeye life science team. Research and statistics are my main interests, which is pretty much what companies in the life science sector is all about. I particularly enjoy the speed and thrill of things in the business world in comparison with the academic world.


Greger Johansson

+46 70 607 92 70

My Thing

I love travelling and playing tennis. I’m also fond of red wine from the new world and of good food. Other interests are engineering and computer programming.


I have a background from the telecom industry, both from large companies as well as from entrepreneurial companies in Sweden and USA. I also spent 15+ years in investment banking. Furthermore, at Redeye I advise growth companies within the technology sector on financing, equity storytelling and getting the right shareholders/investors.


Gustaf Meyer

+46 70 858 82 80

My Thing

Apart from the stock market I am extremely interested in soccer. A previous player for Brommapojkarna I nowadays enjoy the game from the stands instead. I have an annual pass for AIK and spend a fair amount of time in front of the TV screen, preferably when Chelsea is playing. I also enjoy travelling, where South Africa is a favorite. Hawaii and Australia are on my bucket list.


With a mother as a medical doctor within neurology and a father in finance, I found the perfect mix as an equity research analyst within life science. Ironically I discovered the stock market through playing FIFA, where my interest in trading was born. From there I cultivated my interest in trading into the real world instead – the stockmarket.


Gustav Olin Månsson

+46 76 024 24 35

My Thing

Racquet sports are a big part of my life and I have played tennis on a competitive level, although I find myself playing more and more padel nowadays. I also follow the Formula 1 circus, which means watching every training session as closely as the actual race. When not doing the above I like to read, mostly non-fiction, and socialize with family and friends, preferably over a long dinner.


As a Corporate Broker at Redeye, I work in close cooperation with our client companies and our equity analysts. My job is to identify and evaluate new business, as well as advise our client companies on topics such as equity story, capital structure and transaction services. My edge is my interest and ability to understand people and business alike, through a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods.


Hannah Manganas

+46 72 994 75 47

My Thing

When not working I love to work out. As a previous competitive slalom skier I still enjoy the slope, but nowadays in freer forms. A dream of mine is to go to Canada for some serious off pist skiing one day. But in the mean time hanging out in southern France or in Greece works just fine as well.


As a member of the Redeye corporate finance team my main responsibility is to raise capital for our companies in the tech and life science sector. I find it very rewarding to follow these companies on their journey toward greatness – hopefully – to see them develop and grow. I really thrive in working close to people in general, our clients in particular.


Heléne Bergau

+46 76 049 50 31

My Thing

I am fascinated by air-cooled cars, especially old Volkswagen buses. Right now I’m renovating one from 1968 to drive around in during the summer. I love camping – the simple life in nature is very attractive to me. Gardening is another time and money-consuming hobby of mine. My latest endeavor: a fish pond with Japanese koi fish.


I have worked with events for thirteen years prior to joining Redeye. This experience is valuable in our 100 events that we produce every year. My strength is that I can foresee what has to be done and I have a good eye for people's needs. Outspoken or not. My tentacles are always out and I am not afraid to roll up my sleeves.


Henrik Alveskog

+46 70 798 07 57

My Thing

Outdoor activities are almost an addiction. In whatever form. I also really enjoy travelling to exotic places. According to my daughter our next trip goes to Antarctica. Cheap tickets anyone? Please let me know.


I started out in the financial business in the mid 90's. After a few turns at some investment banks I luckily ended up at Redeye and will soon celebrate ten years here as an equity analyst. The variety of companies and clients that we work with and the fact that our universe is mostly overlooked by the investment community, gives me excellent opportunities to really make a difference.


Hjalmar Ahlberg

+46 73 399 15 44

My Thing

I like video games with an interest spanning from casual games to e-sport such as VR racing as well as strategy games. I also do board sports of various kinds. On water – wakeboard or wakesurf. On snow – snowboard or regular skis. I used to do a lot of skateboard, but nowadays find it too risky. My top choice is skiing or snowboarding in Japan; the fluffy snow, the food, the onsen.


Being a computer and TV-gamer since childhood I feel I am the right man on the right place as an equity research analyst in the gaming and gambling sector. There I can bring to the table my long and keen interest in the field combined with my extensive experience of both fundamental and technical analysis of the stock market. These tools in combination with a long-term focus creates potential for successful investing in my view.


Hugo Moritz

+46 73 038 00 17

My Thing

Growing up in a sports family has pretty much coloured my life, then and now. As a youngster I played a lot of ice-hockey (TV-pucken), soccer and handball. These days I play more padel, tennis and go to the gym. I also really enjoy travelling the world. And visiting roof top bars.


As a product manager for I am a part of our Member Services Team and as such responsible for our total offer: the visuals of our website and how it functions. And everything in between. With my background in the tech field and as a former elite athlete I am very determined and structured in reaching the goals I set up for myself.


Jacob Lejdborg

+46 70 340 57 77

My Thing

After a full day of work I have three priorities: 1. Go to the gym. 2. Cooking – especially Italian dishes – and testing new restaurants. 3. Reading. Not novels but rather biographies, e g on Jan Stenbeck, Daniel Ek and alike. Or popular science, where Stephen Hawking is a favorite.


As a project manager in our corporate finance team I advise client companies in raising capital. My expertise and main interest is financing growth companies. I believe I have a good eye and ear for what investors like to see and hear – to present a solid long term investment case.


Jan Lundström

+46 70 452 71 22

My Thing

On my free time I am an active land and forest owner in northern Sweden (Västerbotten). I partake in all the activities involved in keeping a healthy forest; cutting, grubbing up, plantation, trenching and forest clearing. Besides that I enjoy good tasting champagne, why not a glass of Jacques Selosse or Pol Roger.


In my role as a corporate broker I am client manager for 10 companies in the life science area. With a solid background as an asset manager I am also very comfortable with questions concerning financial analysis and corporate finance. As well as doing business in Russia and Eastern Europe. In Russian, if needed.


Janos Pataky

+46 72 080 21 01

My Thing

As a certified sommelier and wine-guide I love travelling with my family, especially when good food and wine comes into play. I am also an avid reader and listener – ebooks and various pods – which are consumed mostly when working out. Which happens every other day.


With a broad background in the financial industry – mainly in sales and business development – my role at Redeye is to build and strengthen our network with institutional investors. In short: to provide them with analyses, events and offers concerning our tech and life science companies. Which undoubtedly is an arena of growing interest also for larger institutions in the financial food chain.


Jesper Von Koch

+46 76 645 37 69

My Thing

After having pursued a dream of becoming the best golfer in the world I have now settled down with climbing, yoga and running. I do a lot of long-distance races such as Lidingöloppet, Vasaloppet, and half and full marathons. When not working or working out I´m transforming a regular van into a camper van. Europe, here we come.


At a young age I started a community for investors. A hobby that led seamlessly into my present job, as an equity analyst on Redeye´s tech team. However, I still tend to think of myself as an investor rather than as a traditional analyst, which can be an edge sometimes. My background as a civil engineer also comes in handy in understanding the technological aspect of a company. Having said that, it is still the business side I find most intriguing.


Jesper Wiking

+46 70 854 16 92

My Thing

Being an obsessive film geek, my spare time is devoted to co-hosting a film podcast called “Intresseklubben Antecknar” and screening italian genre films at a movie club called “Tutti i Colori dell’Italia”. I also spend an inordinate amount of time fawning over my Swedish Vallhund “Tommy”.


I’ve been a User Interface designer since the early days of the web, building brands and producing user experiences on most any device you can think of. At Redeye, it’s my job to develop and standardize the visual design and user experience of our digital services.


Jessica Bergwall

+46 76 492 50 84

My Thing

Soccer in general and Hammarby in particular is by far my biggest interest. I practically grew up on Söderstadion since my father took me to all of Hammarby´s matches. A tradition I have kept. When the soccer season is over I follow Hammarby in handball and bandy. I guess you can call me a fan. I also like to travel, especially to Spain.


As a part of the Redeye Support team, I work with accounting. I am pretty much self taught in the field but have worked with it for plus 25 years. I like numbers and will work through the night rather than go home with an unsolved problem. Giving up is not part of my personality. I just love challenges.


Jessica Grunewald

+46 70 174 96 93

My Thing

After having spent three seasons in Whistler Canada, big mountain skiing is something I really love. It´s all about freedom for me. Skiing without any boundaries. Apart from dreaming of going back to Canada I have just recently picked up playing tennis. In a training group. It´s so much fun!


The common thread in whatever I have been involved in professionally is my interest in building companies and in particular the entrepreneurs. This in combination with my fascination in the stock market hits the sweet spot in my job as an equity research analyst – on the tech side, digital health more specifically. My edge is to see the people behind the numbers.


Jim Andersson

+46 73 387 99 88

My Thing

I am in the lucky position of having my job and my big interest in life as the same thing. I am fascinated by macroeconomics - how society works. When not digging deep into that I enjoy travelling and eating a good meal. Preferably in combination.


Joakim Friberg

My Thing

I do three things: tv-series (“The Boys”, “Dark”), literature (“Wheel of Time”) and computer gaming (“StarCraft”). To little surprise, sci-fi and fantasy are common denominators. I am also a super hero-nerd (“Marvel”). I like to be creative and one ambition of mine is learning to draw digitally — creating characters, perhaps a super hero of my own even.


With 15 years of experience as a programmer, e.g for an e-commerce platform provider, I am now on the Redeye development team. There I´m known as the “list-guy” as I do lists. On everything. That´s just my way of keeping track of the details. As in any creative job the devil is in the details.


Joe Montoya

+46 70 439 93 09


Joel Karlsson

+46 76 165 94 05

My Thing

Two things: MMA and watches. The thing that mainly draws me into mixed martial arts, or essentially any martial art, is storytelling. There is no other sport where the storyline is so clearly depicted. With watches, I feel like it is the urban equivalent of a car obsession; the mechanics and history is paramount here.


In my job on the Member Services team, I communicate with our members, distribute our research, and run marketing campaigns. My guiding light is a combination of my fascination with the stock market, my deep belief in the value of what we do, and my ability to dig deep into anything that interests me.


Johan Ekström

+46 76 633 88 51

My Thing

Having lived in the USA, Spain, Russia and France I follow closely what goes on in the world. Curiosities: I won a Grammis for Best Rock Video of the Year (“Fråga stjärnorna” by Kajsa Stina Åkerström) and have been a member of the Royal Operas Boys Choir.


I have worked in the TMT-industry (Technology, Media, Telecom) in various capacities during the past 20 years, but have never felt as home as at Redeye - in my role as a corporate advisor for tech companies. Here my clients get full return and benefit of my broad knowledge and experience in the field - from film director to fund manager.


Johan Krylborn

+46 70 845 73 70

My Thing

Corporate finance means a lot of work almost by definition, which consequently means less free time. When I get it, I spend it with my family, on the golf course or travelling. In that order.


My four step model in corporate finance (after 20+ years experience in the area): 1. Evaluate if the company has what it takes to succeed. 2. Formulate the equity story. 3. Find the right investors. 4. Make it fly.


Johan Nilsson

+46 72 601 70 77

My Thing

Sports in general and ice hockey in particular is definitely my thing. I have worked as a hockey coach for a couple of youth teams and still play veteran hockey myself. When not with a hockey stick in my hand you´ll most likely find me with a golf club instead. More unexpected: I won the inofficial World Championship in mackerel fishing a couple of years ago.


As event project manager I am responsible for a fair share of the over 100 events we organize and host at Redeye every year. This entails everything from the start-up meeting to the actual event. Being creative, meticulous and social are key personal qualities in this work.


Johan Unnerus

+46 72 402 33 85

My Thing

I am a curious person with a broad spectrum of interests in business, society and people. What makes us and civilization tick? I grew up with hunting and still hunt; game, investments, and balls. With or without a racket. I always enjoyed nature, why not skiing? An active life, often in nature and with my family, is my preference.


With nearly 20 years of experience from the life science industry, I am a senior equity analyst on the life science team. In addition to my knowledge, I bring a genuine interest in business and entrepreneurship to the Redeye table. I thrive in this exciting field of innovations which can be of great medical significance as well as financially rewarding. The expanding Nordic Life Science cluster brings new opportunities every day.


John Westborg

+46 70 323 85 01

My Thing

When I was young my grandmother introduced me to the field of history, through books and her own travels. I found it fascinating, and still do. Especially how empires rise and fall. I read a lot of history, preferably on the Roman Empire and Ancient Greece. I have done a couple of historical trips myself to Rome, Venice and Athens. So far…


Originally I wanted to become a psychologist. In my job as an equity research analyst on the tech team, this interest in the human mind has proven invaluable. Why do people think as they think? Why do they do as they do? Are there any discrepancies in how they think and what they ultimately do?


Jonas Lundmark

+46 70 688 36 10

My Thing

I love sports. Both to watch and do myself. Being a former semi-elite football player (Rutvik SK) I nowadays practice mainly to stay in shape. On a more competitive level I follow Real Madrid closely, and of course, my children’s hockey games. When not involved in sports I enjoy doing things with my hands; building, constructing, renovating.


How investors think comes natural to me in corporate broking within life sciences – as I have a background from the buy side. I know how to package the message and communicate a company's unique selling points to investors. My background in team sports is also of great value since matching entrepreneurs with investors requires a certain feeling for team spirit.


Jonna Erasmie Bramstedt

+46 73 530 33 99

My Thing

Soccer and beer. Soccer in general and Kalmar FF in particular. Whenever they play in the Stockholm area, I am there to administration my home town team. Preferably with a Brooklyn Lager in my hand.


What truly engages me is to find, attract and then recruit talented people to the ever growing Redeye family. And then to keep them engaged and motivated. One way being our emphasis on a healthy lifestyle, which I am also responsible for. That is: finding and offering options and alternatives for this aim.


Kevin Sule

+46 72 092 18 87

My Thing

A couple of things. Soccer. Music. Travels. As a youngster I played soccer on a competitive level, but quit when I was on top (finals in Gothia Cup). Nowadays I am a keen supporter instead. Of Djurgården of course. Apart from that I enjoy music – preferably hip hop and house – and travels. France and Slovenia being my favorite spots in Europe. Right now.


With a master's degree in economics I bring a statistical perspective to the table of the life science team at Redeye. I plow through masses of empirical data with deep analysis. Hopefully being able to spot what the market and other analysts have missed. Being able to see beyond the obvious, outside the famous box, I regard as a strength of mine.


Lars T Andersson

+46 70 717 14 74

My Thing

I like everything Japan and travel there whenever I have a chance. Six years living in Tokyo made me an addict of cold green tea, onsen bathing and hopping to another strange microsize bar late after midnight.


I have an entrepreneurial background starting and developing companies in technology and media. I advise growth companies on how to tell the equity story and how and when select the right financing and owners to increase the chance to fulfill the vision.


Lars-Ola Hellström

+46 76 852 52 77

My Thing

Up until the corona-pandemic I used to work out a lot – running, cycling, gym, padel, golf. Now I have to find my way back in the saddle again. Otherwise my job tends to blend into my private interests. For example, when reading I prefer books about the stock market and how companies and countries change and evolve.


As a member of the equity capital market team at Redeye, I spend my days communicating with investors. My twenty years of experience in the financial industry is invaluable in this contact. I dare say I know how investors think. During my years in the field I have been exposed to so many different situations in the market – everything from upswings to downswings to regular financial crashes.


Leyla Ekekrantz

+46 70 771 55 11

My Thing

I enjoy working out - yoga, cross training and races of various sorts. Next in line is a 50 k cross country skiing race in Germany, which combines racing with my other interest of travelling. I recently signed up for an Iron Man race next year, if I will survive remains to be seen…


As a corporate advisor on the Redeye Corporate Finance team I mainly work with IPOs and public issues. My background from “the other side of the table” - as the CEO of two smaller companies where raising capital was central - comes in handy as I can easily understand our clients’ thinking. And challenges.


Louise Ahlqvist

+46 70 140 10 60

My Thing

You will find me together with my family, maybe in the garden, or if I have the time; writing / reading / painting.


Someone once told me I was born with a pen in my hand. I have been using it daily as my number one professional passion for many years, writing for entrepreneurial companies. Now, as a Certified Adviser, I get to help companies navigate the listing process and tackle their communication challenges in the listed landscape, so they can accelerate their growth. Could it be more inspiring to start a day of work?


Magnus Cevung

+46 70 160 09 05

My Thing

Dexterity. I love working with my hands. I fix things. Everything from my boat to my sons speakers or our micro wave. In another life I would be a surgeon.


My whole career is to be found within the holy trinity of banking, it and retail. In that order. Or to sum it up in one - long - word: transaction intensive cardoperating retail banking. In which my expertise mainly has been management development and leadership issues of various sorts, with an emphasis on structure, governance and orderliness.


Magnus Nordlander

+46 72 092 84 95

My Thing

I spend a lot of time in the gym. Something feels wrong if I´m not there at least five times a week. When not there I really enjoy playing table-top role-playing games like Dungeons & Dragons. The collaborative storytelling aspect of it intrigues me, and I enjoy the narrative freedom.


After six years as a consultant for Redeye, I now run the development department with a responsibility for both our front- and back-end developers. Being more or less a self-taught programmer, I guess I have a certain knack for analysis and problem solving. Hopefully it shines through in the web site and in the various tools we constantly develop.


Malin Cederlund

+46 73 040 19 79

My Thing

I come from an arts and crafts family with a mother in textiles and a late grandfather gifted in drawing. In another life I would love to pursue my artistic interests and talents in a creative studio of my own. For now, I abide with all sports that imply a serious physical challenge.


After many years in the restaurant trade, where of nine on Tenerife, I decided it was time for a change. I took up university studies for three years; two in marketing and project management and one year in sustainable social development and decided to find a company with a clear mission for building a better future. I found Redeye. As project leader for our corporate events, all of my curiosity, creativity and concern for a meaningful future fits right into place.


Malin Hultskär-Daumas

+46 73 671 58 51

My Thing

Hardly surprising I have a strong interest in health and wellbeing. I have been engaged in many sports, among others in American Football. Personally I love odd physical challenges, right now a form of military training called milruck. I also like nature and building stuff.


Performance is my thing in life. And Redeye is my new “national team”, where I am in charge of all the physical aspects of our team: working out, nutrition, sleep, recovery etc. I guess you could call it corporate wellness. As the saying goes: you cannot pour water from an empty glass…


Marika Eskilsson

+46 73 539 30 06

My Thing

As an ex-elite figure skater with twenty hours of weekly practice, I still enjoy physical exercise and nature. But nowadays on a more moderate level, like skiing in the Sierra Nevadas, sailing in the archipelago or just working out at the gym.


Being in the early stages of my career, I have a free role on the corporate advisory team where I am engaged in rights issues, private placement and IPOs regarding both tech- and life sciences companies. As a graduate from KTH Indek’s field “Economics of innovation and growth”, I find the early phases in growth companies to be of great interest.


Mark Siöstedt

My Thing

When not reading at work, I read at home. I tend to average a book per week. Biographies – recently on Howard Schultz (Starbucks) and Mark Randolph (Netflix). Fiction, eg Haruki Murakami (all his books), Mario Vargas Llosa, or non-fiction books such as “Guns, Germs and Steel.”


As an editor for Redeyes written material I – to no surprise – read voraciously. I am also responsible for the distribution of our material. Basically: that right material reaches right clients. In so doing you have to be thorough, but still be able to keep the bigger picture without drowning in all the details. A challenge, no doubt.


Martin Enell

+46 70 520 19 67

My Thing

I have a passion for activities that demand patience and where results are compounding, be it investments, gardening, programming, or climbing. What drives me is the satisfaction of witnessing a rose become more beautiful each year or seeing my portfolio grow a bit bigger. The beauty lies in the waiting and in the slow and methodical adjustments made in the strive for perfection.


As a data analyst on the Redeye Member Services Team my main task is to continuously develop and improve our website. In order to make it ever more attractive to our users. As a huge fan of the stock market I can easily put myself in our users position. Recently I have also been more involved in backtesting different portfolio strategies.



Martin Wahlström

+46 76 196 29 22

My Thing

I do a lot of reading, especially about the stock market and entrepreneurship. Even better if it has a historic connection, like the book “Guns, Germs and Steel”. When not reading I like to go to the gym for some powerlifting (benchpress, deadlift and squats). I am also nurturing a growing interest in champagne.


As an equity analyst I cover companies in both the life science and the tech sector. With a background in finance and accounting I really thrive in going through the numbers forwards and backwards. Since I find the stock market ever more fascinating I tend to put in a lot of hours at work. I consider myself lucky to have my hobby as my job.


Mats Hyttinge

+46 72 092 58 50

My Thing

With a son playing elite level ice hockey on I sometimes feel like a cab driver waiting outside various hockey rinks. When there´s time in between I might go out for a run or a session at the gym on my own. I also spend a fair deal of time on investments. With the explicit aim to spot misunderstood companies with good management.


In my job as a senior equity analyst it sure helps to have been through a couple of crashes on the stock market. Four to be exact; 1987, 1992, 2000 and 2008. Over the years I have worked with all sectors, but have built a reputation as the only airline analyst in Sweden. At Redeye we have no airlines, so here I cover tech and life science companies.


Mattias Ehrenborg

+46 76 308 47 01

My Thing

I do long walks. During the week to Djurgården, during weekends to Södermalm, checking out new pubs and restaurants there. I am also a football fanatic and follow Djurgårdens IF as closely as time allows. A true high point in my life was when I met Zlatan Ibrahimovic on Gotland on a training camp for the European Championship 2012. Starstruck, anyone?


As an equity analyst I work mainly with companies in the tech- and cleantech sector. I am fairly calm as an analyst and like to do my research thoroughly. So I can stand for the opinion I present. I tend to dive deep into things that interest me, but still have the ability to pull myself out and present my findings in a crisp way – both in writing and in speech.


Mattias Martell

+46 73 671 39 00

My Thing

With a fairly new born daughter I spend a lot of time with my family. With possible exceptions for the occasional round of golf. I also love travelling and hope to bring the whole family to the Caribbean soon. But Gotland is not a bad substitute for the time being.


I am a number cruncher with a strong liking for structure and orderliness - two necessary characteristics in my job as Finance Officer at Redeye. Basically I make sure that our Board of Directors as well as Finansinspektionen get the information they require. And that we pay and get paid, our suppliers and clients respectively.


Mikael Andersson

My Thing

My techie personality is of course a 24/7 thing. I am hugely interested in gaming, all sorts of gaming really: old-school board games as well as sophisticated modern computer games.


I view myself as a hard core tech guy with a deep knowledge and passion for web-development. When working for Spotify as a programmer I developed a growing interest for the stock market, so joining the Redeye tech team was a natural next step for me. Here is ample opportunity to combine my two passions.


Niklas Blumenthal

+46 72 092 24 03

My Thing

Home electronics is my thing and my passion for technical innovations started early on. This passion has extrapolated into a home filled with various technical devices and smart solutions. Being an early adopter can be an expensive hobby. I also love to listen and keep myself updated in music. Over the years I have moonlighted as a DJ in clubs and private events, which I still do on special occasions.


With plus 20 years in the finance industry I have a broad experience and network to lean against in my work as a client manager within Corporate Advisory at Redeye, covering both life science and tech companies. Prior to joining Redeye I have worked in many capacities in the field of finance; as equity sales broker and as corporate access manager just to mention a few.


Niklas Sävås

+46 70 773 28 59

My Thing

I am a foodie and love to experiment in the kitchen. It is in part driven by the quick feedback loop which contrasts with writing and equity analysis. I am a dedicated angler of most types of fish. Nature in whatever form – sea, forests, parks – restores my peace of mind. When not spending quality time with my daughter you will see me with a book in hand.


At Redeye I divide my time between equity analysis, and our podcast Investing by the Books. I love reading about all things investing and always try to find perspectives off the beaten track – from history, science, or even from literature. The world is constantly changing while we as humans are remarkably intact.


Okee Williams

+46 70 600 53 64

My Thing

I am a typical urban guy from Stockolm. I love the city and city life but also enjoy being outdoors, without being your typical outdoors man. I like being in the mountains for instance. It´s all about contrasts I guess.


I have a master in biochemistry/nutrition which is very valuable in my job as corporate advisor in the life science sector. This in combination with my broad background in the industry where I have worked in many different capacities: venture capital, business development, investor relations, to mention a few. I thrive in working closely with our client companies, understanding their research and identify their needs in reaching right investors and capital.


Olle Nilsson

+46 76 492 50 87

My Thing

I have always been active in sports, mainly in icehockey and soccer. Nowadays it´s mostly the gym. Or hiking in the mountains where I´ve been to Helags and Kebnekaise. So far. I also enjoy travelling. I spent a year in Barcelona for example. The music scene is another big interest of mine.


After my degree in web development in e-commerce, this is my first job in the field of finance. The challenges as a fullstack developer here at Redeye are pretty much the same, though. It´s all about problem solving. Which I just love. I can really immerse myself in a problem and not surface again until I´ve found the solution. I have always had an intuitive understanding for computers.


Oscar Bergman

+46 70 316 78 37

My Thing

Presently I am learning how to play the piano, specifically songs be the reknown Jan Johansson. I also enjoy playing GTA (with a selected finance podcast in the background). I take long walks and struggle to get back into the gym – an important part of my life before I joined Redeye.


I´ve been active on the stock market since I was 18. In combination with my strong interest in natural sciences and biology this intersects conveniently in my job as an analyst on Redeye´s life science team. I have a special focus on med tech and diagnostic companies. Curiosity and drive are my two biggest assets. As well as my long-term commitment to being an equity researcher.


Oskar Vilhelmsson

+46 76 217 20 79

My Thing

Two things: working out and travelling. When I travel I have two things in mind – wildlife and discovering new, unusual places off “the beaten track”. Last time this brought me to the Tanzanian wildlife. My next trip will be something completely different: searching for polar bears on Svalbard.


Already in high school I developed a strong interest for the stock market. An interest that has grown and refined. Now on the Redeye analyst team I come in with a solid working capacity and a critical and questioning mind set. I don´t go for easy answers and tend to work myself through the numbers thoroughly.


Rasmus Jacobsson

+46 79 006 88 60

My Thing

I have always loved cooking, the craftmanship of it. Like in making homemade pasta. I enjoy experimenting: cooking new dishes as well as finding new ways of making old dishes. I also enjoy reading. Either books about investments or classics, like Dostoevsky´s “Crime and Punishment”.


Before joining Redeye I wrote investment articles on American semiconductor companies like Intel and Texas Instruments. This interest took me to Redeye where I now work as an equity research analyst. An open mind and honesty to one´s own work I believe are the critical factors to writing concise and to the point analyses – just like in my previous writing.


Rawa Aref

+46 70 999 87 89

My Thing

In a sense my job and my passion is pretty much the same thing. I have a huge interest in tech and innovations. Especially in how the digital revolution has streamlined every day life. The shift toward digital meetings during the pandemic for instance, has significantly accelerated the adoption of a hybrid work model, enhancing flexibility and work-life balance. Besides work, I love the Marvel series and films and haven´t missed one so far.


As a full stack developer my main responsibility involves tailoring our Sales Force system to meet the unique needs and challenges of Redeye. With a background as an account manager in the telecom industry and with a passion for software development, I feel right at home with Redeye´s CRM-system. I also keep a close eye on the AI- development, how we can make use of it in the most efficient way in our business.


Richard Goldman

+46 76 184 11 11

My Thing

If it wasn’t for banking, I would be a devoted art dealer specialising in international contemporary art and photography.


I have worked as a Corporate Financier in the past 30+ years. Over the years, I have been responsible for the execution of more than 300 transactions in Scandinavia and across Europe.


Richard Ramanius

+46 79 006 87 98

My Thing

Having lived five years in Italy I have a definite thing about the country, the wines, the culture. I read a lot of history, especially on the Roman Republic, which I have studied at Oxford University. Together with courses in ancient history and archeology. My long term aim is to acquire an apartment in Italy, preferably by Lago Di Garda. Until then I will continue my collecting of Italian wines.


As an equity research analyst at Redeye my focus is on biotech companies and more specifically on oncology and metastatic cancer. With my background from Engineering physics at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) the mathematics in my work comes easy to me. Within short I will be qualified as a Chartered Financial Advisor.


Samuel Ekholm

My Thing

Hiking in the mountains, around the fjords in Norway or way up north in Sweden, e g Kungsleden from Abisko to Kebnekaise. Sleeping in a tent, cooking freeze dried food on a portable stove. I just love it. When in more urban settings I do sports almost once a day, preferably squash, or go to music festivals like Lollopalooza or Tomorrowland.


As a front end developer I´m involved with everything regarding Redeye´s website. Being more or less an autodidact in programming I believe I have a quick learning curve. I am not hugely interested in the stock market but can compensate that with my capacity for problem solving. I always seem to find new angles from which to attack our challenges.


Sandra Lindqvist

+46 70 496 97 24

My Thing

People. My thing is being with people. For instance I recently spent a most rewarding year in Algarve, Portugal as a companion and driver to an elderly lady. I am also a certified health advisor and enjoy reading self help books. My cultural needs are pretty much fulfilled at Stockholms Stadsteater, although I can also read the occasional crime or feel good novel.


Together with Pontus Westholm I am responsible for the Redeye salon. That implies all of our hosted events, internal as well as external. My focus is to develop and inspire the food culture at Redeye. In short: make it easier for our employees to eat healthier and more sustainable. As a person I am open, service-minded and unpretentious, which I think qualifies me as a sort of “mood manager” at Redeye.


Teodor Adolfsson

+46 72 600 69 98

My Thing

My two main interests in life happen to be tech and investments, which is why Redeye is such a perfect match. As an investor I take inspiration from legends such as Buffett, Munger, Graham, and Marks. I love hunting for bargain stocks that are overlooked by the market, and I passionately follow a value oriented strategy.


With academic degrees in both business administration and computer science I think I have the perfect background for a full stack developer at Redeye. In combination with my big interest in investments of course. What I really like about the field of programming is that you´re never fully educated. There is always something new to learn and pick up. In the end the name of the game is problem solving, and I just love that aspect of my job.


Thomas Nyberg

+46 72 253 21 01

My Thing

As a hobby-cultivator I cultivate basically everything you can cultivate. I also enjoy carpentry. Doing things with my hands. Or composing music, preferably instrumental. Reading psychology, especially on personal development is another thrill. I guess you can say I am a multi-interested person.


As a client manager on Redeyes corporate advisory team I come in from more of a marketing/branding angle. My strength is to assist our companies in creating strong equity brands. Brands that not only cuts through the noise but that is understandable and hopefully also engaging.


Tomas Otterbeck

+46 70 813 69 11

My Thing

I love the world of films, tv-series (sci fi/Star Wars) and computer games. In fact I am Sweden´s only Nintendo-analyst. That just shows to where the combination of a huge interest in computer games and the stock market can lead.


In my work as an analyst on the technology team I am not for most a number cruncher. My strength is my swift understanding of the product, the market and the current trends. In short: I believe that I can relatively quickly evaluate the market potential for a product or company.


Toru Ueda

My Thing

Whenever I travel, which I admittedly do quite a bit, what I enjoy the most is trying out the local cuisine and wines. Hiring a local chef can really enhance the experience of a country. When not engaging in food and beverages I enjoy a good read of economic history or about early human civilizations.


I have worked with fund management since the 1980’s in Japan, Asia, Scandinavia, and Russia and been based in Tokyo, Singapore and Stockholm. At Redeye I am responsible for our personnel fund, the Redeye High Quality Fund. With my many years in the field I have experienced and lived through a couple of crashes and bubbles. The important thing is being able to define where we are in the economic and credit cycle. From there you can make your decisions.


Viktor Westman

+46 70 227 46 19

My Thing

My ambition above doesn´t give me time for much more than reading and being up to date in the field of investments. But now and then I drop by the gym to keep my mental balance.


My competitive advantage as an analyst of IT and telecom companies is that I am young and hungry. After studying law and finance simultaneously at university I am now really eager to work hard in order to learn the trade thoroughly. My mission is not only to help investors in making thoughtful investment decisions, but to redefine the valuation methods for small growth companies.